Thumbay Group’s CSR Committee Extends Financial Assistance to Flood-Hit Families of Employees - Thumbay Clinic

Thumbay Group’s CSR Committee Extends Financial Assistance to Flood-Hit Families of Employees

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee of Dubai-based international conglomerate Thumbay Group has extended financial support to the families of its employees that were affected by the recent floods in Kerala and Karnataka. The financial assistances to employees were distributed by Mr. Akram Moideen Thumbay, the Chairman of Thumbay Group’s CSR Committee at a function on 25th September 2018.

India’s southernmost state of Kerala and the district of Coorg in Karnataka had experienced unprecedented floods following unusually high monsoon rains during August 2018, causing huge destructions in terms of lives and property.

A subcommittee of Thumbay Group’s CSR committee constituted for the purpose of providing help to flood victims had collected funds amounting to Dhs.115,000 from various business units of Thumbay Group as well as voluntary contributions from among staff and department heads. Around 40 employees received the financial assistance at the function, which will strengthen the efforts of their families to bounce back from the losses due to the flood.

“Our hearts go out to the flood-affected states. We take this opportunity to express our support for those who have lost a loved one and to all the families of the affected regions, as they begin to rebuild their lives,” said Mr. Akram Moideen Thumbay, adding “By extending financial help to the affected families of our employees, Thumbay Group hopes to assist them in their efforts to rebuild and recover.”

Dr. Thumbay Moideen, Founder President of Thumbay Group said that Corporate Social Responsibility is a full-fledged activity of Thumbay Group. “We consider reaching out and giving back to the society as an integral part of our corporate culture. Our CSR activities are intended to also support the various programs of the government to spread happiness and to encourage the spirit of giving,” he added.

The CSR Committee oversees the CSR activities and programs of Thumbay Group. It discusses and decides on practices relating to the company’s corporate social responsibility on a global basis, including matters related to education, health and safety, environment and community welfare. The committee has successfully carried out several CSR programs at various parts of the country, promoting causes and activities benefiting low-income groups, women, children, various professional groups etc. Free medical and health camps for the public led by Thumbay hospitals and clinics are a regular activity conducted under the committee’s guidance and supervision, benefiting thousands of people, especially blue-collar workers. The committee also facilitates scholarships and financial assistances for academically bright and financially backward students desirous of pursuing professional medical courses.