January 2019 - Thumbay Clinic

January 2019

Thumbay Group

Thumbay Group’s success stories in its core sectors of medical education, healthcare and research has given shape to a unique initiative, the ‘Thumbay Medicity’ in the UAE to serve 20,000+ people daily, with advanced facilities in education, healthcare, research, leisure, luxury, fitness, entertainment, etc., built with an investment of more than a billion Dirhams. A regional hub of futuristic medical education, state-of-the-art healthcare and cutting-edge research,...

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Gulf Medical University

A unique, specialized college of healthcare management and economics is starting to admit students from the Spring semester 2019. Its main goal is to prepare the graduates to pursue careers in healthcare management, health economics, policy-making and administration in the region and international. The healthcare sector today is much more advanced and sophisticated than yesteryear, thanks to its continuous innovation and technical advancements, as well as...

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Thumbay Clinic

With the rise of man buns and beard-scaping, now the modern day gentleman is paying extra close attention to the style of clothing he wears and the way he carries himself. Research has shown that taking care of your appearance has a direct correlation with success in your professional and personal life. As the ultimate modern-day gentleman, Medy Navani, Founder and...

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1. What is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)? Gastroesophageal Reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where there is reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus due to the weak lower esophageal sphincter (Valve between the esophagus and stomach which prevents the reflux) 2. What are the symptoms of GERD? Patient with GERD can present with heart burn and regurgitation commonly. Less commonly they can also present with...

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What Is Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the body does not produce any or enough insulin leading to an excess of sugar in the blood. Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas, which helps the cells of the body use the glucose in food. Types Of Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes: A body does not make insulin in this type of diabetes. It is diagnosed in children and...

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picky eater

1. Don’t force : If your child isn't hungry, don't force a meal or snack. Likewise, don't bribe or force your child to eat certain foods or clean his or her plate. This might only reinforce a power struggle over food. In addition, your child might come to associate mealtime with anxiety and frustration or become less sensitive to his or her own hunger and fullness...

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Pregnancy is considered to be the most wonderful and joyous time, but at the same time filled with stress, anxiety and lot more doubts and worries. There are the number of circumstances that can lead to stress while you are pregnant, including 1. Changes occurring with pregnancy 2. Weight gain and diet 3. Physical discomforts of pregnancy like nausea, constipation, leg cramps, being tired or having a backache 4. Mood...

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Seasonal Influenza

Seasonal influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses which circulate in all parts of the world. The Pathogen There are 4 types of seasonal influenza viruses, types A, B, C and D. Influenza A, and B viruses circulate and cause seasonal epidemics of disease. Signs and symptoms Sudden onset of fever A cough (usually dry) A headache, muscle and joint pain Severe malaise (feeling unwell) ...

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Thumbay Clinic

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common health problem caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones. It affects around 1 in 5 women at the age of 15- 45 years. What is more alarming is as many as 70% of the women suffering from this disorder remain unaware and are at risk of complications. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but it often runs in...

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Dental Hygiene

Achieving healthy teeth takes a lifetime of care. Even if you’ve been told that you have nice teeth, it’s crucial to take the right steps every day to take care of them and prevent problems. Your smile depends on simple dental care habits-understand and implements these basics and you're on your way to great teeth and a fresh mouth! Brushing 1. Brush your teeth twice a day. When...

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